
Time to Talk Day: 06 February 2020

Today, 6th February is #TimeToTalk Day.

We all have mental health, and just like our physical health, it needs looking after. One in four of us will experience a mental health problem in any given year, yet too many people are still made to feel isolated, ashamed and worthless because of it. Time to Talk Day encourages everyone to be more open about mental health – to talk, to listen and to change lives.

Staff at Walter Lilly have recently been focussing on mental health and well-being in the workplace with all employees having recently taken part in a mental health awareness toolbox talk, delivered by Bill Hill, the CEO of The Lighthouse Club. This Construction Industry Charity supports construction workers and their families in times of need; including facilitating support at times of mental crisis.

A number of staff have since progressed their introduction to mental health further by becoming fully fledged Mental Health First Aiders (MHFA). By having nearly 10% of our workforce as qualified MHFA’s, Walter Lilly is seeking to eradicate the stigma around it by encouraging conversation and awareness, first and foremost between our staff. The barriers around mental health stigmas are well on the way to being banished within Walter Lilly and we hope this will extend further within our wider project teams and supply chain partners on site, in time.

Our MHFA’s are taught how to spot the early signs of a mental health issue, including warning signs of common mental health crisis, how to offer and provide initial help, and how to guide a person towards the appropriate treatment and other sources of support.

The introduction of Walter Lilly’s employee well-being policy at the start of this year encourages the positive mental health and well-being of all staff and further underpins the company’s commitment to fostering a positive mental health culture within the workplace.

Our message to YOU today: It’s important to be kind, to listen, to believe those around you who reach out for help and to let them know that you’re on their side. You don’t have to ‘get it’. What matters is that you want to learn, to help, and be mindful of what you say and do. These small changes in attitude can affect someone more than you realise. Let’s help to stop the stigma together, today – it’s #timetotalk

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