
The Big 5 in 3 – Significant Safety Risks

As part of our ongoing commitment to safety, Walter Lilly has introduced a new initiative – The ‘Big 5 in 3’. This new campaign will see the introduction of new engineering controls against our five most significant risks within three years.

We have identified that the five most significant risks that pertain our business and those who work on our sites to be:

1. PPI – Plant People Interface

Our mitigation: All sites will have (where possible) physical Traffic/Plant/ Pedestrian segregation and or an engineering control that will prevent the plant or vehicles from operating should a pedestrian/ operative be within a defined exclusion zone.

All operatives working on or adjacent to plant are now required to complete our ‘The Problem with Plant and Vehicles’ induction and sign our Commitment Cards, recognising their responsibility and commitment in connection with PPI.

2. Working at Height

Our mitigation: We will have mitigated, where technology exists, the requirement for working at height. Where this is not possible, we will eliminate working at height from ladders and stepladders and protect all leading edges greater than 1.2m by an approved handrail system above/ below ground. Combined with this, all Fragile Roofs will have an alternative method of access for maintenance.

3. Excavations

Our mitigation: Range of proprietary trench boxes and hydraulic walls allow trench supports to be put in place without requiring people to enter the excavation.

4. Temporary Works

Our mitigation: No Temporary Works will be constructed without full system compliance. All designs will adopt the principles of Safer and Healthier by Design using the general principles of prevention specifically elimination, substitution and introduction of engineering control measures.

5. Buried Services

Our mitigation: We will utilise dig-less technologies, where the application is proven, on excavation work that is assessed to be high risk.

By incorporating these engineering controls and initiatives, we can ensure a lasting commitment to a safer working environment for all.

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