
Project wins silver award

The site team of Walter Lilly’s Notting Hill project were recently recognised for their efforts towards a considerate site, winning silver at the Considerate Constructors Scheme 2017 National Site Awards.

The site team, led by Project Manager Colin Williams, were at the awards ceremony to proudly collect their silver award which recognises the team’s effort and commitment to improving the image of construction, adhering to the Scheme’s five-point Code of Considerate Practice: appearance; community; environment; safety and their workforce.

The project involves the alteration and substantial refurbishment of two houses to create a single 9,867sq ft residence behind a retained façade. Works also include an extended new basement for a swimming pool.

The Considerate Constructors Scheme is a non-profit-making, independent organisation founded in 1997 by the construction industry to improve its image.

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