
24 Communications Launched

Walter Lilly is committed to driving engagement and improving two-way internal communication methods with our staff.

Driven by responses to internal staff surveys throughout the course of last year, and with a historic desire to drive engagement with its staff, last week the business launched its new internal communications software to run alongside its existing business management systems.

Implementing this internal digital platform for our workplace provides the tools we need to achieve continuous improvement of our overall communication, collaboration and connection with each other.

Staff now have a central hub for interacting with the latest company news, informal wellbeing tips and guidance, tips and tricks for commonly used software and easily accessible details of all staff benefits available to them, amongst many other things.

The power of communication is great and one that we should all be striving to improve. During the first week of launch, staff have embraced the new more engaged way of communication and we look forward to building the platform further with staff feedback received in the coming weeks and months.

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